Thursday, March 29, 2007

Unabashed Fever...

For those of you who know me personally, you may be aware of a bit of a pre-occupation of mine these days... I HAVE BABY FEVER LIKE A DESPERATE MAN SEARCHING FOR WATER IN THE DESERT!!!!! No shame in that here. So many folks today react as if you are talking about the plague or something when you share the mad joy and desire of becoming a mother. I refuse to succumb. I've heard, "Your making a fairytale out of it; it's the hardest thing ever and.." I agree about the truth of it being the most ultimate challenge and big deal ever, never to be recanted, requiring your basic everything, a forever decision, indeed I grasp these things. But to only speak of such a beautiful gift with guarded stoical anxiety, NO WAY!!! (stoical=showing indifference to joy, grief pain, etc.; impassive) I'll shout it from the hilltops that if God wants us to be parents, YEEEEE HOOOOOOO!!!!! I feel it in mee bones... Anyhow, if God says no someday, He knows the best plan for everything and I trust Him. We shall see...
So, you perhaps may be wondering what Igor has to do with the fever.. A favorite pastime of my husband and I's of late, just so happens to be baby name dreaming. Somehow, in the endless debate of a boy's name (a girl name is settled), "Igor was inadvertently mentioned. We giggled, then looked at each other seriously, then mused over it for some time. Brady just so happens to love it (imagine that..) It has a strange hold on me as well, in an unexplainable way. Imagine you'd never seen Frankenstein, any version, and heard the name for the first time. I guess it's all the rage in Russia and the like. You should venture an image search on yahoo for "Igor", you wouldn't believe what's out there: pitbulls, children, strange men in the furry Boris hat, etc... It's nothing serious, we have quite a few more realistic options in the running, but I'm curious to know what you think. For reals hombres; would he be punk rock? Would the lassies dig it? Would he be destined to a bizarre future like our friend pictured above? What say you? Perhaps you could care less and that's alright too since we were both sleep deprived and ridiculous when Igor took over our thoughts... Oh ya, and the baby foot in belly photo..ISN'T IT SO WONDERFUL?!!! Someone in the house (ahem..) doesn't quite agree and finds it horribly disturbing. I on the other hand cried when I first saw that picture. I think to deny joy over possible mommyhood because birth hurts and times will be rough is comparible to denying joy over being saved by Jesus because we know we'll still have trials and suffering. Maybe I'm just a raving babyhound, who knows. One things for sure; if I get to be a mommy, and the technology is still available, I want my little one to look back on this post and see just how anticipated and loved they have always been...

"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward." Psalm 127:3


Tuesday, March 27, 2007

sowing seeds

"Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy. He who continually goes forth weeping, bearing seed for sowing, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him." Psalm 126:5-6
What a perfect verse for this new springtime splendor! What a reminder of what i am to be busy about doing. He lets me come to know so many who are hurting, lost. He gives me the heart to break and the tears to weep for them and I am so greatful..

Saturday, March 17, 2007

treehouses & earthships

Meee hee hee hoooooooo!!!! Dwellings of dreams eh? When i was in sixth grade i was hauled off to Disney World by my tae kwon do instructor to babysit his boys for him on this trip i'd never fathom to take myself. Sooo, in the first few hours of immersion into this strange and eery world of "fun", i found myself lost in the Swiss Family Robinson treehouse... i got so caught up in wandering and loitering through the thing that i lost the boys i was supposed to be looking after! Needless to say, i have an affinity for treehouses, that's for certain. And so, during our massive snow dump of late, Mama and Vern showed up to kindly commence snowblowing our sidewalk, and Mama shared with me that Vern had researched some treehouses on the internet and i wouldn't believe what's out there. She was so right!!!!! This post was inspired by them, thanks compadres! And then these earthships.. i think it was back when i lived in New Mexico when i first heard of them (bunch of hippies with nothing to do but sit around and dream of such things, no mystery), and i always wanted to check them out. So here i am 10 years later checking them out...
Well, i got to thinking that if these are my dwellings of choice beyond comprehension here on earth, created by sons of men, imagine what John 14:2-4 could possibly mean... Jesus said, "In my Father's house there are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also, and where I go you know, and the way you know." Since he made the men who built those amazing casas posted above, and put the dream of their designs into their beautiful imaginations, imagine what He Himself is preparing for us!!! Is it a physical stucture?! Is it carved out of a tree itself or a mountain or down in some earth or under the waters?!!!!!! Couldn't you just meditate forever on it?!! As if just being by His side won't be enough, then He goes and promises a "place" for us... Whatever that means, i know He'll astound me. He knows me perfectly, and every little girl dream that is inside me. I'm sure He's got something in mind that I can't see with earthly eyes...

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Thursday, March 08, 2007

an enchanting discovery..

Such loveliness my friends!!! At the Bible study last night, we covered verses that i forgot existed. They sent me into a frenzy of wonderful imaginations and longings to see what's in store on the other side... The following verse just got me:
"I saw by night, and behold, a man riding on a red horse, and it stood among the myrtle trees in the hollow; and behind him were horses: red, sorrel, and white." Zechariah 1:8
It's a vision of prophecy that Zechariah had and man, what haunting words of beauty. I just am constantly amazed at the incredible language and writing style in the Word. So, of course I had to go and look up myrtle trees, as I have never heard of them before. Lo and behold I found these lovely photos posted above.. Aren't they so majestic? Helps me picture the scene even more. I couldn't even concentrate after we read it! Anyways, I've been in the Psalms lately, and what comforts lie in those pages.. I had this verse on my wrist for the last two days to help battle strange waves of melancholy:
"In the multitude of my anxieties within me, your comforts delight my soul." Psalm 94:19
Also on the top of my hand: "It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture." Psalm 100:3
I love Him...

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