Thursday, February 01, 2007

bible trees

I've always been curious about some trees that are spoken of in the Bible, what they looked like and stuff. So I found some pictures. The conjoined tree is a fig, and the other is an acacia tree. This may be old hat information to ye all, but I was totally fascinated. The fig tree's title was "Married", because it's conjoined as you can see. It got me to thinking a whole lot about my marriage... This lady at work asked me out of the blue, "What's the #1 thing you love about your husband?" I told her, "that he loves Jesus." She immediately responded with, "well fine then, what's the second thing." As if loving Jesus wasn't worth mentioning and didn't satisfy as a real answer! It's quite impossible to explain to someone of the world how Jesus is everything in the relationship and that a man just can't be a husband without Him. Everything else seemed so silly to comment on because everything I love in Brady comes from Jesus anyways! So anyways...this "Marriage" fig tree. Reminds me of what a good marriage should have. Deep roots that take tiiiiiime, co-dependent for survival, happy to share space, stronger together than apart... I've been asking God to show me stuff about being a wife that I'd rather ignore these days. I want to recognize the unconscious fleshy things that I do that cause division in our little household. It's so easy to act as if I'm still single and forget that another of God's creations lives right there by my side, a precious gift. God is so good at answering those tough prayers... ug. I guess our roots are just starting. What an amazing "conjoining" I get to work on for as long as God decides to let us be sojourners together here on earth. Well, "Kapoy ko" (I'm tired). Glad tidings ye all..
p.s. I know there's a whole lot of types of acacia trees, but according to geographic reasoning, the one I pictured above is likely the kind used for the making of the Ark. Noah must have felled an entire forest er something!


Blogger TWaits said...

mmmmmm....trees. Hold on a sec, I'll go get the saw.

7:18 PM  
Blogger Danielle said...

I think hell would be a fit punishment for anyone daring to harm that fig...

6:12 AM  
Blogger Robocarp said...

rock on shemp

7:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was just pondering marriage today, and I once heard that it was like taking two pieces of paper and super-gluing them together, and letting it get dry. And divorce is like trying to rip those two pieces apart- you're going to wind up with two pathetic little piles of torn up pieces of paper.
Fortunately, we have a powerful God who is able to heal those divorced folks who have been through that incredible pain.
I could go on and on- marriage is one of my favorite subjects- that and child raising/training. Don't get me started!!!
Nice post- LOVE the tree pictures!

7:25 PM  
Blogger Elvis Has Left The Building said...

They kinda look like trees that they should "make" bibles out of. Cut those suckers down! What good are they to the kingdom standing there?

9:39 AM  
Blogger Danielle said...


5:47 AM  

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